Earth Day 2014 — Conservative environmentalism — seeking balance

Today was Earth Day, 2014. For many, it was a day to celebrate the Earth, to give thanks for its fruitfulness, and to express concern about threats to both the planet and we humans that inhabit it. As a Christian, I also rejoice on Earth Day in the Creator, who has graciously placed us both …

Continue reading Earth Day 2014 — Conservative environmentalism — seeking balance

Around the web 3/3/2013

I'm enjoying a good thundersnow (or some call it a snunderstorm); the first blizzard thunderstorm I have experienced in Montana (I have seen it happen in Utah, Colorado, and I think Missouri). The temperature dropped from 59°F to 32° in less than thirty minutes, and it started to snow and blow really hard. I love …

Continue reading Around the web 3/3/2013

Around the Web — 5/19/2012

Mitt Romney's Environmental Platform -- Ummm, Mitt Romney doesn't seem to have an environmental platform. The menu at doesn't have "Environment" as an option. There isn't anything substantial about the environment that I could find on the site. I am a conservative, and will vote for Romney in November. But why can't we have …

Continue reading Around the Web — 5/19/2012

Around the web 5/12/2012

YEC and Dispensationalism -- The discussion on my 1000th post has been interesting: the relationship between young-Earth creationism and dispensationalism. Dispensationalism is the theological system that divides salvation history into "dispensations" or periods of time in which God relates to humans in distinct ways. Usually, the last dispensation---that is, the End Times---is just around the …

Continue reading Around the web 5/12/2012

Culture Wars

Ronald Reagan was the antichrist. Barack Obama is conducting a war against Christianity. Anyone who believes humans are causing global warming is a left-wing, socialist, environmental wacko. Anyone who doesn't believe humans are causing global warming is an ignoramus. Christians who accept an old Earth or evolution are either dangerous compromisors, or maybe not Christians at …

Continue reading Culture Wars

Ronald Reagan on the role of government in environmental protection

"I'm proud of having been one of the first to recognize that States and the Federal Government have a duty to protect our natural resources from the damaging effects of pollution that can accompany industrial development." -- Ronald Reagan The quote is taken from It's conservative to conserve by Rob Sisson, president of Republicans for …

Continue reading Ronald Reagan on the role of government in environmental protection

A liberation theology of the right

Arrrrgh. I'm writing about politics again. Or am I writing about religion? Here is a section from "God, the Gospel, and Glenn Beck" by Southern Baptist pastor/seminary professor Russell Moore: It’s taken us a long time to get here, in this plummet from Francis Schaeffer to Glenn Beck. In order to be this gullible, American …

Continue reading A liberation theology of the right

What Obama has done right (or at least better than the Republicans have done)

I go to a Republican church, and I vote almost exclusively Republican. When I lived in St. Louis, I also went to a Republican church, but the church next door was a Democrat church. You could tell by bumper stickers on the cars. This kind of bothers me. Would a Democrat feel comfortable in my …

Continue reading What Obama has done right (or at least better than the Republicans have done)

Good conservative quotes on the environment

I've been involved in a discussion over at Cranach about the battle for the soul of the conservative movement: Conservative civil war. I threw in a few quotes from noted conservatives to point out that there is nothing conservative about allowing pollution and degradation of the Earth. "While I am a great believer in the …

Continue reading Good conservative quotes on the environment

The Environmental Case for John McCain

The attacks against John McCain by some environmental groups (such as the Sierra Club) are unfair. McCain has a well-integrated energy and environmental policy, that reflects his years of environmental leadership, not only in the Republican Party, but in the senate as a whole. From Republicans for Environmental Protection: The Environmental Case for John McCain …

Continue reading The Environmental Case for John McCain