The GeoChristian

The primary objective of The GeoChristian is to increase science literacy among Evangelical Christians, especially in the areas of the Earth and environmental sciences.  I aim to discuss controversial topics in ways that are sound both Biblically and scientifically, and to do so in a way that treats all readers with respect.

A brief summary of my beliefs about creation can be found at Creation Creeds.

You can contact me at geochristianblog [at] gmail [dot] com. Or you can visit The GeoChristian on Facebook.


I am the author of Earth Science: God’s World, Our Home, a new middle school Earth Science textbook from Novare Science and Math. If you are looking for an Earth Science textbook that honors God’s Word as authoritative, does not advocate the young-Earth interpretation of Genesis, and promotes stewardship of the Earth, then this is the curriculum for you.


Novare Science and Math is a Christian science curriculum publisher whose “purpose is to effect a radical transformation in science and math education by promoting a teaching philosophy based on the core principles of Mastery, Integration, and Kingdom Perspective.”

HomeScienceToolsI heartily endorse Home Science Tools as your source for science supplies for both home school science and science in smaller schools that do not need to purchase large quantities.