Environmental Awareness on Christian College Campuses

Christianity Today has an article entitled Christian Colleges' Green Revolution. Here are a few quotes: "When I was exposed firsthand to the impact that poor environmental care can cause, I was shocked," Semenyuk says, recalling a protest he witnessed in Nicaragua. "The people were field workers on banana plantations where extremely powerful chemicals are used …

Continue reading Environmental Awareness on Christian College Campuses

NOVA and Frontline programs online

PBS has made some of its NOVA and Frontline programs available online: NOVA Online Frontline Online I watched "Life's Greatest Miracle" last night, which is about human sexual reproduction (It is a remake of the older "Miracle of Life" video). It was excellent; though I wouldn't want to show the extended bikini-babes-on-the-beach scene in class. …

Continue reading NOVA and Frontline programs online