Rock fall in Billings hits house, again

Video from the Billings Gazette: Rimrock boulder destroys video camera (I haven’t figured out to embed this on on my WordPress blog).

Slideshow: Gallery: Falling rocks.

Article: Crews succeed in pushing slabs off Rimrocks cliff.

Here’s another video, but it isn’t nearly as good as the “Rimrock boulder destroys video camera” linked to above:

As a teenager I would climb in the cracks between the Rimrocks and the slabs of rock that were slipping away from the cliff at a millimeter per year. Those boulders make nice landscaping for expensive homes at the base of the cliff, but…

Grace and Peace

One thought on “Rock fall in Billings hits house, again

  1. Pingback: AGU Blogosphere | The Landslide Blog | Dramatic new landslide and rockfall videos

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