A young-Earth creationist magmatic model for the origin of evaporites

On my most recent "Around the web" post, I stated that I would be writing a longer response to the young-Earth creationist (YEC) proposal that salt deposits (usually referred to as evaporites) were actually formed through igneous processes rather than being precipitated from seawater. This may not be that longer response. Instead, it is a …

Continue reading A young-Earth creationist magmatic model for the origin of evaporites

Around the web 3/22/2013 — The ice age only lasted 250 years, evaporites formed from magma, environmentalism is bad for us, and more

There have been a number of articles on the web the past few weeks that deserve a long analysis, but some short notes will have to do. THE ICE AGE (SINGULAR) OCCURRED BETWEEN 2250 AND 2000 B.C. -- Answers in Genesis posted an article in February by Andrew Snelling and Mike Matthews entitled When Was …

Continue reading Around the web 3/22/2013 — The ice age only lasted 250 years, evaporites formed from magma, environmentalism is bad for us, and more